Advisor for ITU-T Study Group 15

Hiroshi Ota
Advisor for ITU-T Study Group 15
ITU-T Study Group 15Regional
Hiroshi Ota is Advisor for ITU-T Study Group 15 (SG15), which develops standards on networks, technologies and infrastructures for transport, access and home. He also serves as Advisor for ITU-T Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group (TSAG), which aims at making the ITU-T the most attractive place to come to do standards work. In addition, he supports the ITU/WMO/UNESCO IOC Joint Task Force on SMART submarine cable systems. He coordinates the work on disaster relief and emergency communication within ITU and with related organizations. Previously, he supported ITU-T SG5 (Environment, EMF & circular economy), ITU-T SG12 (Performance, QoS & QoE) and other groups.